If my life has been a not-ending circle of hating the world I live in
then why wouldn´t be easy getting rid of it?
If my life has been everything I would never want to live
then why isn´t it simple to leave all that behind and live the one you do want to live in?
all hard decisions come with harsh circumstances
it´s like a bittersweet gift the world gives you
and you are going to get all within
Can I just have you and the life I want to live?
I just want to see the world in a blink
and be happy for a brief second
Fotografía: Delfina Vazquez
Escribir es mi pasatiempo, al igual que tomar fotos. Mi trabajo es ser niñera, busco a dos niños al colegio y los cuido en su casa hasta que lleguen sus padres. Antes solía dedicarme a ser profesora de inglés de 2do grado.