What is the origin of this song?
The song is inspired by the 90’s TV show Twin Peaks by David Lynch. We felt inspired by the aesthetics and the mysterious and twisted plot of it. It’s an imaginary trip into the minds of two of the main characters, the inspector Cooper and Laura Palmer.
How was the recording session?
We spend a weekend locked up with our producer, Manuel Abel, in Daniel’s parents countryside hours. It was a non-stop of music, beers, creation and laughs. A very enriching expirience!
What were the references, influences or musical inspiration?
Apart from the lyrics which as we said were mainly inspired by Twin Peaks, musically speaking our inspiration comes from lots of dream/synth pop bands as Future Islands, Hibou, Castlebeat or Part Time.
What do you like most about the song and why?
The nostalgic feeling that awakens the sounds and topic of the song which at the same time maintenance a dancing beat.
What did you most enjoyed of the writing, production and recording process?
We really enjoy the process of creation. Inventing melodies and coloring them with lyrics and instrumentation is something magical to us. Also during production we enjoy the fact of finally seeing the “idea on paper” and giving it the final intention.
What was the most difficult part of the process and how was it overcome?
The fact of bringing to reality a bizarre idea you had very clear in your head, shaping it and colouring it until achiving the creation of what you were trying to express through music.
If you could have invited anyone else to collaborate, who would it have been and why?
Maybe Beach House. It’s tricky to choose but, for us, at this moment, they are the kings of dream pop. They reach an atmophere which conveys a melancholic feeling and this we could say is our final goal.
What is the biggest challenge to present this song live and how has it been solved?
The fact that we don’t have a drummer. Instead for the percussion we use a vintage rhythm box which right now it’s almost like another member of the band. But during live concerts, the fact that we bought it second hand makes us worry a bit. In our first gig, it stop working for a while, but luckly we could solve it because you know, show must go on.
Recommend us a song that you have heard lately and that you like.
“We Run On Empty” – Colatura
Drug Holiday aims to create a melodic and nostalgic sound, synth/dream pop with influences from Post punk and New Wave, which breaks with a brushstroke of optimistic light coming from 80’s pop.