Repubblica di San Marina (Italia) Le Barbie che avevamo con noi, ripensandoci oggi, rispecchiavano già i nostri caratteri alla perfezione: la sua ben pettinata, vestita con un bel completino rosa e ben in mostra all’apparecchio fotografico; la mia con i capelli tagliati, nuda con indosso solo un paio di stivali rossi e appoggiata con noncuranza sulla mia spalla.
Republic of San Marina (Italy) The Barbie dolls we had with us, looking back on it today, already reflected our characters to perfection: her well-coiffed, dressed in a nice pink outfit and well displayed on the camera; mine with her hair cut, naked in only a pair of red boots and leaning casually on my shoulder.
Mi muovo con agio nelle stanze abbandonate; mentre danzo il vestito fruscia e fuori dalla finestra tramonta il giorno.
I move with ease in the abandoned rooms; while I dance the dress rustles and outside the window the day sets.
Soffro così profondamente di mal di testa che immagino spesso di essere assente da me stessa e vedo il mio corpo placido, rasserenato e leggero.
I suffer from headaches so badly that I often imagine that I am absent from myself and I see my body calm, serene and light.
Non ho certezze ideologiche e religiose e per questo ironicamente mi rifugio tra i libri, tra i fiori di carta, tra le cose buffe e malinconiche che erano di moda 40 o 60 anni fa.
I have no ideological and religious certainties and for this ironically I take refuge among the books, among the paper flowers, among the funny and melancholy things that were fashionable 40 or 60 years ago.
E’ fuori da questa finestra che intimamente la mia coscienza ricerca il divino, non nelle pratiche religiose.
It is outside this window that my conscience seeks the divine intimately, not in religious practices.
Rossana Battisti was born in 1978 and grew up on the outskirts of the two cities, Perugia and Bergamo (Italy), which served as a background in her childhood and adolescence.
In her photography there is a profound relationship between vision and emotional state and it’s for this reason that she defines her photograph an emotional photograph and her works have a strong evocative power.
Rossana’s photography is a union between meditation and photography whose ingredients are dreams, the invisible and the unconscious.
Her works are autobiographical, symbolic; twilight poetry and nature are some of the elements that make up her works.
Rossana works with analog and instant cameras.
In the world of photography is Roxy Beat.